A few hours in Luxor
I haven't blogged at all this week and that's mainly because I have spent the bulk of my time, since Monday, on an aeroplane on a crazy route that has shown me (or at least seen me touch down in) Jordan, Ethiopia, Israel, Portugal, America and finally I am on Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. I didn't get much time for photography but I did steal a few hours in Luxor, Egypt and made a visit to the temple ruins at Karnak, on the edge of the Nile.
Whilst I love the architecture, for me the people give these places character and provide a context for a story, a history and point of interest. After I left the temple I walked slowly back to the hotel, enjoying the street. It's pretty quiet in Luxor at the moment, the hotel was virtually empty, because of the recent troubles in Egypt. I found the people very friendly and warm and overall receptive to my camera.